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DIAVA Consulting Company

Is established with the permission and decision of the Court of Tirana, Albania, based on national legal framework. Identification Number of Taxable Person – NIPT: K67617903E.

The permanent staff of DIAVA consists on senior professionals, educated and experienced in many disciplines related to the domains. The permanent staff consists on the Forestry Engineers, Biologist, Sociologist, Agronomist, Economist, EIA experts, Urban Planner, Hydro-geologist, conservation experts, tourism etc. The main activities of the company are focused in the;

  • Forestry and agriculture
  • Nature conservation
  • Rural development
  • Environment
  • Climate changes
  • Waste management
  • Socio-economic issues, etc.
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Projekti S.W.A.N. ekosistemi inovativ per Ballkanin Mesdhetar

Edhe pse ka patur dhe ka shumë iniciativa ricikluese të përdorimit të cikleve të produkteve ekzistuese dhe të teknologjisë rikuperuese, ende ekzistojnë burime të rëndësishme mbetjesh dhe materialesh, të cilat kërkojnë adresim të mëtejshëm për shkak të veshtirësisë (kostos dhe kompleksitetit) të riciklimit të tyre, volumit të madh të tyre si dhe të gjurmës së tyre të karbonit.

Në këtë kontekst, Shqipëria do të jetë pjesë e një platforme dixhitale rajonale të menaxhimit të mbetjeve të ngurta jo të rrezikshme, të prodhura dhe të perdorura nga industritë e ndryshme. Kjo do të bëhet e mundur me anën e projektit SWAN (Platforma dixhitale për ripërdorimin e mbetjeve të ngurta për Balkanin), i cili është një projekt që financohet nga fondet e BE dhe Fondet Kombëtare të vendeve pjesëmarrëse të Ballkanit Mesdhetar si Shqipëri, Greqi, Qipro dhe Bullgari.

Our Projects 

  • 2016 2018


    The overall objective of this assignment is to investigate, observe and record the actuality of soil loss and its control periodically, to study the dynamics and development trend, based on previous studies made in order to provide quantitative estimates of the value of some specific targeted environmental services, and to propose mechanisms to start/increase payment for these services in one case study in Albania.

    Client : Ministry of Environment, Albania

  • 2012 2018

    Conservation and use of the agro-biodiversity in Rural Areas in Albania, CABRA II

    The main objective of the project is; “The implementation of conceptions for the conservation and the sustainable use of the biodiversity, including agro-diversity, in the Albanian Alps is improved”.
    The project has been designed to support rural development in northern Albania (Albanian Alps/area north of Drin River).
    The project has to improve:
    • conservation of biodiversity/agro-diversity
    • public awareness and capacity building
    • livelihood of local people and
    • to take care about sustainability and gender.
    The project will act mainly in form of pilot project and local examples. In detail support of:
    - implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and other national strategies and plans for biodiversity and rural development
    - establishment of a biodiversity monitoring system
    - elaboration of protected area management tools
    - establishment of a system of protected areas in the Albanian Alps and a management system for these protected areas
    - development of strategies for sustainable use of biodiversity
    - promotion of biodiversity-friendly agricultural production
    systems and sustainable forestry
    - implementation of sustainable management of agro-diversity
    - development of eco-standards for agricultural products and forestry (timber)
    • Development of value chains for biodiversity-friendly agricultural products, wild plants, timber and non-timber forestry in order to improve the income of local people in a sustainable way.
    Client : GiZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany

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